Welcome to Little Valley Prenatal Massage

During pregnancy there are many changes to the mother's body often causing pain or discomfort. Massage can help with the physical and emotional stresses during this time. Symptoms such as low back pain, sciatica, inflammation and insomnia can be improved. Safe positioning and knowledge of the contraindications in each trimester are necessary for mother and baby’s safety. Regular pre and post-natal massage can ease the transition the body goes through over these 9 months and beyond. We offer a specialised pregnancy cushion to allow you to lay face down as requested or in a side-lying position if preferred or indicated.

Our Team of Experienced Practitioners

Our team of dedicated and experienced practitioners is committed to helping you achieve your wellness goals. Each member of our team brings their unique skills, passion, and expertise to provide you with a personalized and holistic approach to healing. Whether you're seeking relaxation, pain relief, or improved mobility, our practitioners are here to support you on your journey to well-being.

Why Choose Little Valley?

At Little Valley Massage & Health, we're more than just a clinic; we're a community that cares about your health and well-being. We take a personalized approach to your care, ensuring that every session is tailored to your unique needs. Our warm and inviting atmosphere, combined with the natural beauty of the Comox Valley, creates the perfect backdrop for relaxation and healing.

Experience the benefits of therapeutic massage at Little Valley and let our team guide you on your path to a happier, healthier life. Contact us today to book your appointment and start your journey towards a better you.